
The English deputy Prime Minister, Dominic Raab has resigned after bullying claims. He says that this sets “a very dangerous precedent” for workplace culture in the civil service.

When I read about this, it made me reflect on the line between challenge and pushing too far so that it is perceived as bullying. The width and position of that line has changed significantly over my career, and I would like to think that my style in working with this demarcation has evolved also. But there have many times when I have got it wrong; and left uncomfortable and reflective of my behaviour.

I don’t believe that these type of leadership moments necessarily come to define us, but they do help in preparing for us for bigger and more broader leadership roles. And I think they also help in building the type of perspective you need to deal with decisions when the way forward isn’t obviously clear.

If the line that Dominic Raab talks about is something you have a view on, or just something you want to discuss drop me a DM. As with many of the key leadership issues, there isn’t a right or wrong answer; only what feels authentic for you.

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